Learn about our Youth Ambassadors Program

The Future We Want Youth Ambassadors for SDGs and 2030 Agenda initiative aims to strengthen youth commitment and activism in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda. During the Closing Ceremony, we presented the Future We Want Youth Ambassadors for SDGs and the 2030 Agenda Resolution to 2600 students from 136 different countries who are now actively engaged at local level and report to the Conference Secretariat on their activities aiming to spread and implement the SDGs within their communities.
By signing the resolution, delegates assumed the role of “Youth Ambassadors for SDGs and 2030 Agenda” and committed to the operative clauses listed on the resolution.
Engaged youths received a bracelet committing as “Youth Ambassador for SDGs and 2030 Agenda” and are requested to report on every action taken at local level for a period of one (1) year. WCYD-FWW Secretariat commits to updating the progress chart costantly with the activities done by the “Youth Ambassadors for SDGs and 2030 Agenda”.
The Secretariat is posting on social media platforms and on the official website the Actions taken by the students and is directly reporting to relevant organizations. We are also working closely with the NGO/DGC Executive Committee, making this information accessible to civil society and member states.